Competitive Exam For 8th, 9th & 10th
Did you know about competitve exam ?
Competitive exam give you great opportunities to excel your knowledge and focus on a skillset that helps you to build your awarding career in this competitive world. Many of the competitive exams also grant scholarships based on their performance in the exams.

1) National Talent Search Examination ( NTSE ): Best Competitive Exam
National Talents Seach Exam (NTSE) is the most prestigious competitive examination world. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) conducts this exam annually for class 10th in two stages. If students want scholarships then he/she must have to qualify for both stages.
NTSE Exam Pattern :
paper 1: (Mental Ability Test) MAT – 100 questions / 2hr (total marks – 100)
paper 2: (Scholarship Aptitude Test) SAT – 100 questions / 2hr (total marks – 100)
10 lakh students appear in NTSE stage 1 examination out of these only 2000 candidates were awarded for a scholarship.
Exam dates: JAN (approx)
NTSE Exam Syllabus:
1) Verbal Reasoning: Classification, Logical Venn diagrams, Blood Relations Series, Logical sequence of words, Verification of truth of the statement, Coding-Decoding, Problems on clocks, Analytical reasoning, Direction Sense Test, Series completion test, Arithmetical reasoning test, Mathematical operations, Inserting a missing character 2) Non-Verbal Reasoning: Classification, Series, Analogy, Transparent paper folding, Embedded figure, Dot fixing situation, Analytical Reasoning, Water images, Problems on cubes and dice, Incomplete Figures, Folding Papercutting | 1) Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology: Acids Bases and Salts Carbon and its Compound, Air, Cellular Level of Organization, Fibers and Plastics, Diversity in Living Organisms, Food Production & Management, Human Body, Heredity and Evolution, Life Processes, Magnetic & Electricity at Work, Light, Measurement, Micro-Organisms, Metals & Non-Metals, Motion and Force, Periodic Classification of Elements, Our Environment, Reproduction, Some Common Diseases, Soil, Sound, Structure of Atom, Sound of Energy, The Universe, Work, and Energy, Water 2) History/ Geography/ Civic: Agriculture, Atmosphere, Biosphere, British Raj, Culture, Science and Literature, Democracy and Elections, Diversity and Livelihood, Early, Medieval Period, Early States, Eighteen Century Political Formation, Introduction and Sources of Ancient Indian History India and its Neighbours, Local and State Government Indian Economics, Indian Freedom Struggle, Indus Valley Civilization, Industrial Revolution, Industries, Internal Structure of the Earth and Rocks, Resources and Development, Jainism, Buddhism and Conquerors from Distant Lands, The Delhi, Sultanate, The Mughal Empire, Motion of the Earth, Nationalism, in Various Countries, Vedic Period, New Empires and Kingdoms The Judiciary, Popular Movements, and Social Reforms Population, UN and International Agencies, Medieval, Architecture and Culture, Natural Vegetation, French Revolution, Our Country- India, Union Government, Indian Constitution, Solar System, The Mauryas, Water Resources, World History. 3) Maths: Algebraic Expressions, Arithmetic, Arithmetic, Progressions, Basic Geometry, Direct & Inverse Variations, Coordinate Geometry, Percentage & Its Application, Exponent, Statistics, Mensuration, Number System, Square & Cube Roots, Playing with Number, Surface Areas, and Volume, Quadratic, Equation, Rational Numbers, Trigonometry, Circles & Triangles, Linear Equation, Probability, Simple & Compound Interest |
2) Homi Bhabha:
Homi Bhabha Examination (Junior Scientist) is conducted by Mumbai Science Teachers Association to develop knowledge in the field of science, and encourage students’ interest in the field of science as a scientist. For 9th class students.
There are three stages of examination :
- Written Test
- Practical Examination
- Viva & Project
Written test exam pattern:
- Physics – 30 questions.
- Chemisty – 30 question.
- Biology – 30 questions.
- General Science – 10 question.
7.5% of students appear in Stage II
NCERT (Science book)
7th – 10%
8th – 20%
9th – 60%
General Science – 10%
for additional you can refer to ICSE 8th and 9th class books.
Books: NCERT and State Board Science Books
3) Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Exam (KVPY Exam)
This exam is funded by department of science and technology (Gov. of India) to exract highly motivated students in filed of science and technology to pursue career in filed of research. Cadidates who qualify all the rounds of this examination are knows as KVPY fellow and receive scholorship up to pre-phd level on monthly basis.
Date of examination: May
Duration of exam: 3hrs
Exam held in TWO different streams:
- SA: For class 11th science stream
- SX: For class 12th science stream
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics |
Magnetic Effects of Current, Reflection of Light, Electromagnetic Induction, Kinematics, Work, Energy and Power, Sources of Energy, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Refraction, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction, and Alternating Current, Physical World, and Measurement, Gravitation, Laws of Motion. | Surface Chemistry, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Metals and Nonmetals, Carbon Compounds, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Reactions, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Periodic Classification of Elements. | Real Number, Polynomials, Introduction to Trigonometry, Surface Areas and Volumes, Trigonometric Functions, Geometry, Linear Programming, Vectors, and 3D Geometry, Calculus, Relations and Functions, Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, and Quadratic Equations, Probability, Statistics, and Probability. | Cell: Structure and Function, Genetics and Evolution, Human Physiology, Biology, and Human Welfare, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Ecology and Environment, Life Processes, Plant Physiology, Diversity of Living Organisms, Reproduction. |
4) International Mathematics Olympiads :
This examination makes you an International champion in Mathematics.
STAGE I: Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiads:
Pre-RMO is conducted by Homi Bhabha center for science and education.
Students from class 8th – 12th can apply for this exam. The exam is conducted in 25 regions, has 300 seats per region for all students including class VIII to XI, and 60 seats for class XII per region. The Paper is the same for each and every student from class VIII to XII. Approx. 14000 students qualify.
Stage 2 – Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) :
Exam duration is 3 hrs and consists if 6 questions. Exam is in both hindi & english language.
Stage 3 – Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO):
Top 900 students from RMO is selected for India National Mathematical Olympiad.
Stage 4 – Training Camp for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMOTC)
Stage 5 – Pre-departure camp
Stage 6 – International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)
TOP 6 indian students will appear in IMO
5) International Science Olympiad (ISO):
Science Olympiad exams are globally recognised exam for students of class 1 to 10th.
exam date: Nov-Dec
Exam syllabus:
– Chapter 1: Matter and Its Properties
– Chapter 2: Life around Us
– Chapter 3: Food and Health
– Chapter 4: Energy and Work
– Chapter 5: Music
– Chapter 6: Friction and Force
– Chapter 7: Gravitation
– Chapter 8: Sun
– Chapter 9: Reproduction
– Chapter 10: Crop and Its Management
– Chapter 11: Unit of Life
– Chapter 12: Motion and Its Laws
– Chapter 13: Solid Waste Management
– Chapter 14: Logical Reasoning
6) International Maths Olympiad (IMO):
This olympiad focus on prepare students for national and international competitions. Everyone must encourage their child must appear in this examination to boost confidence level.
Exam dates : Dec-Jan
– Chapter 1: Number System
– Chapter 2: Algebraic Expression
– Chapter 3: Linear Equation in Two Variables
– Chapter 4: Comparing Quantities
– Chapter 5: Probability & Permutation Combination
– Chapter 6: Lines and Angles
– Chapter 7: Triangle
– Chapter 8: Circle
– Chapter 9: Quadrilateral and its Area
– Chapter 10: Mensuration
– Chapter 11: Trigonometry
– Chapter 12: Data Handing
– Chapter 13: Logical Reasoning
We hope you are all doing great and this article on competitive exam for school students helped you to identify which competitive exam is best for you.
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